Our Rental Line
Our vision is to continue to be the oilfield rental tools and equipment company of choice by providing full service and care to our clients, products, and to our team by setting the standard in the oilfield rental tools and equipment industry. We have been providing dependable and reliable service to the oilfield since 1985. All of our rental equipment is inspected to DS1 Cat 3-5 guidelines if available. Our equipment undergoes pressure testing and ultrasonic testing, with report, charts, and MTRs available upon request. We continually strive to keep up with the ever changing technology and changes involved in today?s oilflield. We currently serve wireline, P&A, TCP, DST, and PTS service companies and also have many Master Service Contracts with major oil companies. If we can be of any assistance in servicing your company with best rental equipment and service available, please feel free to contact us any time of the day. Our professional service personnel are available 24/7. Call us @ 985-879-4053.